Welcome to my blog. My name is Erika Merz. I am an consultant for product marketing in ICT industries.
As an industrial engineer (mechanical engineering) with 15 years of experience in product marketing for software, media and telecommunications, I am interested in interdisciplinary projects searching for integrated solutions.
As a member of a consulting company which focuses on product marketing, requirement management and prototyping, I do offer consulting services and concept development for ICT and industrial industries.
For futher information or a full CV, please feel free to contact me via e-mail, LinkedIn or Xing.
Product Marketing and Requirement Management: Kemmler+Merz
Marketing, Communication and Content Creation: Userealfire
Usability and Interaction Design: MMI Engineering
- White paper:_INDUSTRIE_4.0 – EN – Usability Design for the Industry of tomorrow (2013)
- White paper:_INDUSTRIE_4.0 – DE – Usability Design für die Industrie von morgen (2013)
- White paper: CONSUMERIZATION – Turning a challenge into an opportunity (2013, on behalf of Deutsche Telekom, EMS and in Cooperation with Sven K. Hübner)
- White paper: MOBILE SECURITY – More Security in a world of mobile data (2013,on behalf of Deutsche Telekom, EMS and in Cooperation with Sven K. Hübner)
- White paper: ENTERPRISE COLLABORATION (2014, on behalf of Deutsche Telekom, EMS and in Cooperation with Sven K. Hübner)
All available in English and in German.
For more information please contact:
Erika Merz
Wallstraße 10
55122 Mainz
phone: ++49-6131-570-1964
fax: ++49-6131-570-1949
social media profiles: LinkedIn | Xing |twitter
email: e.merz@kemmlermerz.de